Los Medanos College District Brentwood Science Center


Los Medanos College District Brentwood Science Center

The 52,000 sq.ft., $42 million STEM Campus includes a chemistry and biology lab, a faculty wing, a student services wing, and an independent classroom building.  Extensive energy modeling was conducted to test out cost effectiveness of different mechanical system.  A distributed VAV cooling and heating system was selected for the Lab Wing for best LCCA performance.  A extremely detailed and accurate Revit model was developed to ensure all MEP utilities are fully coordinated with the complex structure.  A reclaimed water distribution system designed for toilet and urinal flushing was included with the anticipation of the extension of a new site reclaimed water service by the City.  Site work also includes a 450 stall parking lot and new campus loop.  Detailed photometric analysis was conducted to limit light spillage for LEED compliance.  Gayner Engineers also prepared the PG&E Saving-by-Design calculation and documents to assist the District’s application for rebate.  The Project is targeted for LEED Gold Certification.

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